Besides the electronics, the area was jammed packed with all things anime. Sadly my anime exposure pretty much started and ended with sailor moon. Still it was interesting to look at.
As we were walking around looking for dinner we came across a cafe that seemed to specialize on "honey toast." Since the night before I had a sweet crepe for dinner I couldn't justify having another huge dose of sugar for dinner. Luckily neither Michelle or I (okay mostly me) couldn't get this out of our heads so we came back the next day to indulge.
What is honey toast you ask? Well it's exactly as it sounds. A "mini" loaf of bread is hollowed, both the shell and the insides (which is cubed) are toasted, buttered, and drizzled with honey. The insides are stuffed back into the shell then topped, in our case, with ice cream, banana, whip cream and chocolate sauce. Let me just say yum! I am told bubble tea places in Ottawa advertise honey toast but with a good loaf of bread and toaster I think this can be replicated.
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