Thursday, August 13, 2015


So not a fan of Heathrow Airport!  We had to circle the airport forever (ok fine 30 mins but still) then once we landed, no gate.  So had to wait for a shuttle to drive us to the terminal.  Once in the customs line was incredibly long.  I saw a sign about signing up ahead of time for fast transition but had to be done prior to arriving and since I was too late I didn’t even bother to look up.  At least the customs agents were super nice.  45 mins and I was finally out.  

One afternoon in London definitely was not enough.  I had enough time to take a shower and meet up with a friend from Toronto, now an expat.  Finally met her cute as a button daughter.  The baby loved the singing bow tie wearing Octopus I bought her.  Apparently she loves all things sea life!   Forty-five minutes of waffling at ToyRUs well worth it!

We walked down to the neighbourhood pub for a drink (Oh Pims, I found you again!) and dinner. 

I had a chicken pie that I thought was quite good but then I got to Cambridge!


I left the pub fairly early since I was practically falling asleep at the table.  As I caught the train (tube?!) back I realized the football game had just finished.  I was taking the train from Fullham station which is right next to the stadium (pitch?  Magali help!) where Chelsea plays whoever.  After the experience at the FIFA women’s in Ottawa it would have been cool to watch a men’s game live.  But I had no idea the season was starting and I am sure it would have cost more than a bit of pretty pounds for a ticket.  Anyway the whole point of saying this was that the station was crazy full as I was heading back to my hotel.  Rush time in Toronto had no competition for this crowd.  But the guys were very nice to part the way into the train to get me a spot.  I think my accent (had to ask directions) identified me as a tourist and they were very gallant.  Having said that, the ride was quite boisterous.  Chelesea had drawn the game.  It was an experience to see some 40-50 year old men chant and jump up and down in the train!

I am glad I've been here before and done the proper touristy things.  There was no time for that this trip as it was off to Cambridge to see Pete and Judy and finally meet Mya!!!  I thought i was to meet Aman at Kings Cross but I luckily caught her email before hopping the next underground train.  It was one of the smaller stations but for a second I thought I wouldn't find her there!  But with little stress we got to the train station and hopped a train to Cambridge.  

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