Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Amsterdam - Part I

Michelle, I LOVE your country!
Whenever I saw this statue on TV, magazines I thought it was weird.  But up close, live it's pretty cool.

I loved this city for all the water ways and cool buildings. 

I could (and did) walk for hours!
We did a canal tour and some of the houseboats looked quite spacious and illustrious.  Unlike in Cambridge in here you buy the mooring spot.  If you take it the boat for a ride someone else can't slip  in.  Plus  the post office knows which number to deliver post.  This is not true for personnel boats.  In those if you move someone can legally take that spot.

Lot of the bridges were decked with beautiful flower pots.
This flag is all over the city.  First time I saw the flag I thought it was promoting the red light district.  But no this is the city's flag.  It's believed that the flag originated with the shipping merchants and the crosses are representing St. Andrew - patron saint of sailors.  Popular tradition also links the X's to the three threats to the city: Water, Fire and Pestilence.
We had tapas at a Spanish restaurant for our first meal.  Epic fail! Next day for a late lunch we stopped at a pub...apparently the way to go in Europe.  We had coquettes.  Reminded me of SL cutlets.  It was good, but wasn't a huge fan of the creamy middle.  But the apple pie was AMAZING!  Though the Americans have claimed Apple Pie apparently it has a dutch beginning.

For one of the dinners we went to an Indonesian restaurant.  It was fabulous!  No wonder Indonesian food is one of the most popular food in this country.
Flowers and cheese next...

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