Until this tour, I didn't appreciate that the Berlin wall went up literally overnight, around west Berlin.
In other areas this. Apparently initially there were barbed wire on top. But people used the wire as a handhold to climb up. So the government used athletes as subjects to test different tops to find the perfect top for the wall. They found this circular cut pipes were the ideal as it was hard to grab with with the hands for a handhold. Ironically there wasn't enough pipes in East Berlin and had to be shipped in from the West.
Checkpoint Charlie was designated as the single crossing point (by foot
or by car) for foreigners and members of the Allied force. Now this is purely a tourist place and not even in the original location of the checkpoint. It is staffed by actors and have to pay for a picture with them. Bu the solider claimed I was nice and allowed a free pic!
An original East German car. In the communist ear apparently every family got a car, flat and job. Though I am sure it's not as nice as it sounds...Currently parliament building in Berlin...
I had no idea there was someone that tried to assasinate Hitler in 1939. He was a German worker who singled handedly planned and carried out an elaborate assassination attempt in Munich. A time bomb was placed near the speaking platform but failed as Hitler shortened his speech as he had to take the train back to Berlin instead of a flight due to weather. Elser was held as a prisoner for over five years while he was tortured to find out who else was involved, then executed at the Dachau concentration camp. This is a monument to him...
One of the oldest Synagogues in Berlin. It was saved by a cop during the night of broken glass. He stood in front of the Synagogue with a gun and a fake note saying that the building is to be spared. Now it's a museum.
One of the best meals we had was at this restaurant.
I wasn't wow'ed by the schnitzel, but it was my first. Aman who's had many claimed this was one of the best. The lamb stew was amazing though. This is probably the first salad/veg, we had since the fantastic BBQ at Cambridge.