Thursday, May 9, 2013

Yudanaka - Snow Monkey Park...

Today was the long anticipated day trip to Yudanaka to visit the snow monkeys.  Officially Jigokudani monkey park.  Jigokudani meaning "Hell's Valley" because of the steam and boiling water that bubbles out of small crevices in the frozen pond.  Apparently this area gets heavy snowfall and the snow stays around for a good 4 months, pretty much isolating the area.

Area is populated by wild Japanese Macaques, aka snow monkeys.  Though really with all the human visitors, not so wild monkeys anymore.  Apparently these guys descend from the steep surrounding cliffs to sit in the warm waters of the onsen (hot springs) during the day and return to the security of the forest in the evening.

Path to the snow monkeys started with a 30 min or so leisurely hike through a lovely forest.

Across the bridge...

Straight to these little guys...

They were so used to visitors of the human variety, we barely even phased them!

There were tons of babies (after all it is spring!) but I couldn't get decent pics of the babies.  :(

Not quite babies but young and playful...

They loved Michelle's bag!  Even left her a souvenir...I won't elaborate.

This guy just hanging out after a dip.  I am not even sure he realized I was that close.  He definitely didn't care..  

Check out the human!

Discussing deep matters, world peace, lunch, tick situation... 

I am dismissed...

Just hangin'...

Practically touching distance.  Don't worry I didn't, I've seen "outbreak!"

Are we striking the same pose?!  Meh close enough, after all I am just human.

We could have watched them for hours, but hunger and the bright hot sun drew us back to town.  Finally tried soba...we opted for hot soba.  I am not a huge fan.  The noodles were delicious but the broth was kinda meh.  I'd love the soba noodles in pho.  

Really nice people we met from the US.  First "foreigners" we've seen in a while!  I guess we are officially on the tourist trek!

 Variations of these guys named Tanukis are found outside restaurants and bars. 

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