Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kyoto Day 6 - Inari-Yama

We had just enough time to see Inari Yama before we headed to Kanazawa.  It was only two stops on a JR train to reach the site, probably 15-20 mins travel.  It took us 45 mins!  

We asked the station person which tracks, she listed off a bunch.  We took the first train which turned out to be a rapid local train and completed whizzed by our station, not that we really noticed just realized it took longer than we expected.  So we hopped off and got on a train back making sure it was local and not rapid.  Local trains don't require reservation or have assigned seats.  With our JR passes we can treat them like subways.  On the train back we got involved in Soudoku and realized we were at the station just as the door were closing!  An older man made a valiant effort to keep the doors open but no such luck.  FYI when in Japan they really mean the don't stick your fingers into closing doors.  This applies to train, subway and elevator doors.  Anyway we hopped off again at the next station, changed directions and finally made it!

Foxes are thought to be messengers, in this holding a key to the shrine in his mouth.

Back of the shrine's main grounds is the entrance to the torii gate covered hiking trail.

It starts with two parallel rows of gates called Sebon Torri - Thousands of torii gates.

The torii gates along the entire trail are donations - individual and companies.

The donator's name and date of donation are inscribed on the back of each gate.  Costs starts around 400,000 yen (approx 40k CDN) for a small sized gate and increase to over 1 million yen for a large gate.

Didn't have time to climb all the way to the top but still the 45 min climb had a really nice view of the city.

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